Thursday, May 27, 2010

Catching up!

I cannot believe almost 3 months have gone by is crazy busy with 3 kids and parents who work opposite schedules. Oh well, a ton has been going on at our house. Our little man turned 1 year at the end of April. So crazy! Marshall is so so so so so much fun to have in our home. He is VERY busy though. I literally spend my day chasing him around. He is very social so I get to take him to the gym daycare and he loves to flirt and play with all the ladies. Marshall is such a good boy still. He is learning the art of a tantrum though. He will throw himself down on the ground and "fake" cry if you tell him "no" or don't pick him up when he wants. He is also a fan of hitting (mostly mommy) if he gets told "no". The girls think it is funny to fake hit with him...funny until he clocks mom in the face when he doesn't get his way. It is rare that he acts up though. Sleeping better at our house. Marsh only wakes and cries about 1 or 2 times a night on average. I have stopped going in when he does this. He goes back to sleep within a half-hour or so now. He only takes one nap a day, but if I am lucky, it lasts up to 3 hours. Sometimes 1 so I never know. We built him a big sandbox in the back for his birthday and he seems to love it so far. He looks at us like we are crazy every time we put him in it though. I don't think he quite understands what to do yet...he is figuring out scooping, dumping, and destroying the sand though. He is trying to walk. He is a great solo-stander. Walking all along furniture and walls. He has taken a few steps alone here and there, but seems to prefer the ease and speed of crawling still. Marshall will crab-crawl on his hands and feet if he doesn't want to hurt his knees. Such a funny little guy.
Ashlyn turned 6 at the 1st of May. She is getting so big! Literally...she is in a size 7 or 8..Natalia is in an 8 or 10. They wear the same shoe size just about. Ashlyn is my little princess still. She is still loving "dress up". We found some fun tutus for her birthday and she is very into shoes and hair bows right now. We are growing out her bangs right now, but she is loving having her hair shorter. Her dance season is about done. A spring concert is right around the corner. It will be fun to see her dance and have fun. She really loves it. We will sign her up again in September. Ash also expressed interest in playing baseball this summer so that will be interesting.
Tally is doing well also. She will be turning 9 in about 9 days. I cannot believe 9 years have passed so quickly. She is such a good girl. We are getting a bit mouthy and talking back some, but overall she does what she is asked and helps out a lot around the house. She actually enjoys emptying the dishwasher, sweeping, vacuuming, and helping with Marshall. She is a great big-sister. Ashlyn knows how to push her buttons, but I am hoping they will outgrow their bickering soon. She really loves her little brother and plays with him everyday. They are really cute together. We got passes to Cowabunga Bay for their birthdays. It will be fun to spend so much time in the water and sun...that is, if summer ever gets here! The girls don't get out of school until the 1st of July and go back at the end of July to their new grades. A short summer that we will have to pack full of fun. Tally is planning to play baseball and basketball this summer/fall so that will keep us busy.
Nothing really new for Rob and I. Just trying to keep up with the little ones. My work has been slow so I have been "part time" for a lot of the year (I have been cancelled off shifts about 3-4 times a month). Hurting financially, but it has been nice to have the extra time at home. Hopefully it pick up soon though.
Rob and I are going river rafting with the Sowells in a couple of weeks. It will be fun to break away from the routine for a few days and let loose. We need it.
I think that is about it for now. I am going to try to be better about updating this thing. I don't know how many people actually look at it anymore though with facebook and everything.


kristensenkid said...

Hello.....I check it every week!!!! Don't stop posting!! I love your kids...they are the best :)