Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holiday Preparation!

We are busily preparing for the holidays. I had to work through Thanksgiving so I am now playing catch-up. Trying to clean (& deep clean/purge) everything to make way for Christmas decorations. I am hoping to at least get the tree up this week. The girls are very excited. They have both been handfuls lately so they are on the "naughty list" right now. Hopefully they can get it together before too long so we can visit Santa and put in our wish list. I love Christmastime. It is my favorite holiday because Tally is off-track so we can do lots of fun things. We have a ton of fun traditions to perform. I can't wait for the coming weeks. Hopefully work picks up so I can work a little extra and finish my shopping. If not, we will still have each other to celebrate with. I am over-ambitious this year trying to make some gifts for people. We will see how that goes!
We tried to have a photo of the cousins taken, but the kids weren't that into it. The outfits my mother-in-law bought are cute though. We will have to try again another time.


Nikki said...

Cute kiddos! Give them hugs from us.